Curriculum Vitae

Fr. Robert Mehlhart OP

Born in Bavaria, Robert Mehlhart joined the Dominican order after having finished school. In 2000, he was awarded a stipend of the International Richard Wagner Foundation, which enabled him to take part at the Bayreuther Festspiele. Having completed his Noviciate, he studied Theology and Music at Vienna (Erwin Ortner, Peter Planyavsky) and Oxford (Roger Scruton, Edward Higginbottom). In 2007, he completed his master thesis on Early Polyphony (Manfred Angerer). His master thesis in Theology is on Joseph Pieper (Marianne Schlosser). In Vienna, he founded the Vienna Choir of Students (Wiener Studierendenchor), which focussed on international a cappella music of all epochs. As Hans Haselböck’s assistant, he conducted many orchestral High Masses in the Rosary Basilica in Vienna.

Being a member of the Arnold Schönberg Chor, he performed at several international festivals. He especially benefitted from working with Nikolaus Harnoncourt. 2009, he was ordained Deacon and had his pastoral placement at the Cathedral of Vienna, where he also conducted. He was a soloist at the first German performance of the opera “Death and Resurrection” by Jonathan Harvey. In summer 2010, he was ordained a priest by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. He completed his dissertation on plainchant in winter 2011 and was awarded the degree “Doctor of Philosophy” by the University of Vienna.

In January 2012, Fr. Robert became director of the “Vokalkapelle der Theatinerkirche” (formerly Choir to the Royal Court) in Munich. Here he focuses on Plainchant and the Renaissance Repertoire as well as the Musica Sacra of the 20th and 21st century.